The Lives You’re Changing.
Your Involvement in this year’s tournament helped us raise even more funds than 2023. We’re already seeing tremendous impact on those who are receiving instruments because of you! Here is a recent story of a recipient who received a guitar from a recent batch that we were able to purchase with tournament funds.
Today we had the joy of gifting a local young man a guitar. Please meet 16 year old, Legion Lee who has longed for a guitar for over three years but tight finances made it prohibitive. Upon receiving his instrument, Legion kept repeating “Thank you, thank you!” and asking if he could hug the team member who delivered his guitar. We found out about this need when his mother posted her wish to provide her son with a guitar and his deep desire to play guitar on a FB “Buy Nothing” group in hopes that someone might have a used one they no longer wanted or needed. No one replied but one of our team members saw that post and after hearing more of his story felt compelled to provide him with the guitar he had been wishing to own for so long. Legion couldn’t believe it was his own! He asked more than once if it was ok if he touched it and then again if it would be ok if he held it. He had to be convinced that the guitar was truly his forever. His mother watched this interaction with tears in her eyes. He promised to take great care of it and also to keep us posted on his progress of learning to play. His mother has a coworker who has offered to give him lessons. Legion already had studied online the process of keeping a guitar tuned. What a grateful and loving young man Legion is. Your generous support of Guitars for Glory makes it possible for us to make dreams like Legion’s come to fruition. We are so appreciative.