3rd Guitar Placed Through GFG & Growley Leather Strap Program
Well we've sold over 30 straps now, which just helped Guitars For Glory place a 3rd guitar with someone who could really use it. We don't do many local placements, but this need just happened to coincide with a local request for an instrument.
We'd like to introduce you to Matt. Matt has a true heart for worship yet over the past few years he has been serving his church behind the scenes by heading up a greeting ministry. He has played guitar and lead worship for some time, but recently gave his acoustic guitar away to a family member who didn't have a guitar of their own. Matt not only selflessly serves his church every weekend, but is a husband and proud father of six kids. Guitars for Glory had the privilege of giving Matt a beautiful Rainsong acoustic this past weekend. We wanted to thank Matt for being the true definition of a leader by serving in areas of need and always putting others before yourself.
Jesse Werzinger (Grace Road Worship Director & GFG Team Member) with Matt Scally.
Matt had been eying the Rainsong being used at his church. Our team member, Jesse, who serves as the Worship Director at Grace Road Church uses a Rainsong to lead with on Sunday mornings. Jesse asked if we could partner with him to surprise Matt with this beautiful guitar. It couldn't have happened without the help of Growley Leather and those of you who have purchased straps. Big thanks to Rainsong Guitars for helping us out on this one.
For more information on Rainsong Guitars, Growley Leather, & Grace Road Church, please visit: