Guitars For Glory strives to partner with organizations who have a local presence and deep connection with communities around the world. It is through these partners that we are able to identify guitar placements. Through a number of different avenues and fundraising opportunities, GFG raises funds to purchase new instruments to be placed with recipients who have a deep need to rebuild, inspire, encourage, and create authentic music aimed at bringing glory to our Creator. We believe that we need to give our best, and have a GFG motto: "We won't send what we wouldn't play ourselves." We believe that along with the tangible needs there are for instruments, there are also great needs for both technical training and training of the heart. In the past six years through the support of our generous contributors, GFG has placed over 500 instruments in 60+ different countries.
Know Someone In Need of a Guitar?
Guitars For Glory is a fully volunteer run 501(C)(3) organization. Our Board of Directors, volunteers, and donors are the engine that drives our ability to bless others with a new instrument. Make a monetary donation, or donate a gently used instrument.
Coffee Subscription
Award winning coffee farmers. Award winning coffee roasters. Drink coffee. Send a guitar. It’s that simple, thanks to the Joe Bean Coffee Roasters and GFG partnership. Sign up for your subscription now.
Follow Along
Most of the stories of our guitar recipients live on Instagram and Facebook. We’d encourage you to click around on the images and be inspired by the stories of incredible people receiving the gift of an instrument.
“My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.”